Ten ways to use student e-ako

This map of the student e-ako content (xls, 59KB) may guide you as you choose from these approaches.

With your students

You may want to make e-ako available as an independent task for students to use without guidance during free choice time, or suggest it as general homework. Alternatively, you could actively target your students' use of e-ako using one of these approaches:

  1. Each student works individually through an identified cluster of e-ako in a pathway at their own pace. You monitor their progress and achievement.
  2. Students work in pairs on an identified e-ako and then report back to the group for discussion.
  3. Particular parts of an e-ako are displayed on a large screen, and used for direct acts of teaching, discussion and exploration with the whole class or with a particular group.
  4. The particular learning context of an e-ako, or cluster of e-ako, may complement your class inquiry topic. Class inquiry learning is enriched by having your students complete relevant mathematics e-ako.
  5. Specified e-ako are set for review, completion and discussion at home with whānau.
  6. You work through one of the teacher-led e-ako from the PLD 360 collection with your class or a group of students.

For your own PD

As you complete student e-ako, (and read teacher notes) you will gain an understanding of: 

  • Key mathematical ideas
  • Appropriate learning progressions
  • Pedagogically sound ways to present ideas to your students
  • Ways mathematics can be embedded within everyday contexts

You may want to target your own use of the student e-ako by using one of these approaches:

  1. Focus on the specific learning outcome or outcomes developed within one identified module.
  2. Focus on a particular content area by ‘level’. Complete a cluster of e-ako from one 'shelf' on the pathway.
  3. Focus on a key content area in which you want to strengthen your understanding: Use the map to identify the modules that comprise a learning area progression. For example, choose the Geometry student e-ako that develop concepts related to shape. 
  4. Focus on a particular learning context. You see your class inquiry topic is also the context for a cluster of e-ako. Use the e-ako to see how maths concepts can be developed in this context.