Tracking progress and achievement

There are two main purposes for collecting student achievement information:

  1. To improve teaching and learning.
  2. To report on student progress and achievement.

Improving teaching and learning

The main aim of assessment is to provide information to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Student achievement information can be used at a class level to tailor teaching for individuals and groups, and at a syndicate, school or Kāhui Ako level to track trends and inform target setting and interventions.

Reporting on student progress and achievement

Progress and achievement information is also used for a variety of reporting purposes. This includes reporting to students, families and whānau, and reporting collated information to school leaders and Boards of Trustees.

The Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT)

PaCT is an online tool that supports teachers to make dependable judgments about students' achievement in relation to the NZC. Teachers make best-fit judgments about their students’ achievement to locate them on the Learning Progression Frameworks (LPFs). PaCT then provides a number of reports that can be used to improve teaching and learning and to report on student progress and achievement. More information about PaCT is available from the Curriculum Progress Tools website.

Assessment as part of teaching and learning

Teachers are encouraged to plan opportunities to notice what their students can do in their regular teaching and learning programmes. This may involve identifying specific activities that provide a rich source of information about how students are going on key learning outcomes. By observing students as they work in class, asking probing questions, listening to explanations, and looking at students’ workbooks, teachers can determine what students know and can do. They can use this information to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and to make judgments about achievement. The most authentic assessment tasks are those that are included in the learning experiences of the students, rather than as stand alone tests.

Assessment tools

In addition to noticing what students know and can do in teaching and learning programmes, there are a range of assessment tools available to collect particular information about students, as required.

Further information about assessment is available on Assessment online.