Volume and Capacity Units of Work

Volume is the measure of space taken up by a three-dimensional object. The space within a container is known as its capacity but as the thickness of many containers is negligible, it has become acceptable to refer to the space inside as volume too. (The terms volume and capacity are used interchangeably throughout the measurement strand of the NZ curriculum document although the glossary defines capacity as the interior volume of an object.)

Two different practical situations need to be experienced by students as they learn about volume. One relates to experiences involving "how much space does a three-dimensional object occupy?" which eventually leads to measures of volume derived from measuring the length of the object’s dimensions. The other set of experiences relates to measures of fluids.

Level 1 Volume and Capacity

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • push, pull, lift and handle objects in order to become aware of mass
  • compares 2 masses by pushing and lifting
  • pack materials and fill containers
  • pour liquids from and into containers

Tricky Bags

  • compare the volume of two containers by packing or pouring
  • order the volume of three or more containers by packing or pouring
  • recognise that two matched amounts of liquid remain the same when one amount is poured into a container of a different shape.
Three Bears
  • use non standard units to measure the volume of a container
  • accurately count a set of up to 20 objects
Dino Cylinders
  • develop an understanding of 100 and the quantity for which it stands
  • understand the relationship between 100 and 10
Counting on Measurement

Level 2 Volume and Capacity

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • use non-standard volume units (cups, spoons, bowls) to fill a container and count the number used
  • recognise the need for a standard unit of volume
  • measure to the nearest litre and half litre by using litre containers to fill and count
  • recognise the need for a standard unit of volume
  • measure volume using teaspoons and table spoons
  • convert between units of volume: teaspoons, tablespoons, half and quarter cups
Rainbow Jelly

Level 3 Volume and Capacity

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • estimate volume using litres and millilitres
  • accurately measure volume using litres and millilitres
Morning tea volumes
  • construct three-dimensional objects using cubic centimetres and state their volume
  • construct a model of a one cubic metre
Boxing on
  • recognise that objects have many measurable attributes
  • identify and measure attributes of common objects
Oranges L3
  • Use objects of 1 litre volume to estimate the volume of other objects.
  • Understand the need for standard measures of volume.
  • Make sensible estimates about the volume of given objects.
  • Carry out conversions between standard measures of volume (millilitres to litres).
Making benchmarks: volume
  • recognise the need for a standard unit of volume
  • estimate and measure to the nearest litre
  • relate the litre to familiar everyday containers
Slosh, Dribble and Plop

Level 4 Volume and Capacity

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • recognise that objects have many measurable attributes
  • identify and accurately measure attributes of common objects
Oranges L4
  • use a formula to calculate the volume of cuboids by measuring the length of each of the three dimensions
  • investigate the relationship between millilitres and cubic centimetres
Spaced Out


  • plan a mathematical investigation in a group.
  • take measurements and make calculations to complete an investigation
  • Interpret the accuracy of the investigation
Measurement investigations I


  • understand and apply the rule ‘area of triangle equals half base times height’
  • connect the area of a parallelogram to the area of the rectangle from which it can be created
  • find the volumes of cuboids with whole number dimensions
Areas and volumes

Level 5 Volume and Capacity

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • plan a mathematical investigation in a group.
  • take measurements to make calculations to complete an investigation
  • interpret the accuracy of the investigation
Measurement investigations II
  • convert between millilitres and litres
  • convert ratios to fraction and percentage expressions
  • compare ratios
  • combine ratios
  • solve problems involving rates
  • use scale factors to investigate areas being enlarged
  • use scale factors to investigate volumes being enlarged
  • solve real life context problems involving scale factors
Scale Factors