Who is the Richest?

Achievement Objectives
NA1-2: Know the forward and backward counting sequences of whole numbers to 100.
NA2-2: Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000.
NA3-3: Know counting sequences for whole numbers.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Order numbers in the range 0–100

Order the numbers in the range 0–1000.

Order whole numbers in the range 0–1 000 000.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 4-6

Required Resource Materials
Play money (Material Master 4-9)

Write this table of bank balances on the board or modelling  book. If necessary, the students model these amounts with  play money. Ask who has the most money in the bank.The students need to realise that they start with the  left-hand place value of each amount. For example, a person with any 10 000s in their amount will have more than someone whose largest place value is in the 1 000s.

Repeat with varying amounts of money.



Move onto doing the same kinds of problems without money. Focus attention on the significance of starting from the left-hand digit when comparing numbers. Order numbers within these lists. The third list is particularly taxing because of the presence of numerous nines.


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Level One
Level Two
Level Three