Voyage from Hawaiki


This is a level 3 geometry activity from the Figure It Out theme series.

Achievement Objectives
GM3-5: Use a co-ordinate system or the language of direction and distance to specify locations and describe paths.
Student Activity


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Specific Learning Outcomes

follow compass directions

interpret a scale map

Required Resource Materials

A classmate


Copymaster of the map


A ruler, a protractor


FIO, Level 3, Theme: Time Travel, Voyage from Hawaiki, pages 6-7


These pages are based on fact although this event is fictional.
The students are required to follow a set of directions to record a journey on a scale map. They will need to accurately measure distances with a ruler. To find the direction to travel in, the students will need to use a protractor.
Discuss the concept of scale with the students. Point out the difference between a scale diagram and a sketch and emphasise the importance of accurate measurements when using a scale diagram or map. In this activity, the students will need to use the key piece of information that 1 day’s travel equals 1 centimetre.
If necessary, show the students how to use a protractor to measure angles. Some of them may need to practise this skill before applying it practically in this task. The grid enables the students to orient their protractor correctly. Ensure, though, that they measure distances with a ruler rather than just counting grid squares. Counting grid squares will only give an accurate measurement when travelling in the directions Tautoru setting and Tautoru rising. Moving diagonally one square along the grid does not correspond with 1 centimetre.
Make sure that you don’t change the size of the map when photocopying it for the students because the answers supplied rely on the scale matching to the map at this size.
As an extension, the students could draw a scale diagram of the classroom or playground. They could also use a real map of the Pacific to make up and plot journeys between the Pacific Islands.
They could also investigate how ocean-going vessels find their way now. Do they still use the stars or are there other navigation methods, for example, a Global Positioning System (GPS)?
As a link to the Culture and Heritage strand, level 3, and the Time, Continuity, and Change strand, level 3, of Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum, the students could find out more about voyaging waka. The Discovery of Aotearoa by Jeff Evans (Auckland: Reed, 1998) provides a lot of information about voyaging waka.

Answers to Activities

Activity One


2. Right
3. 25 days
Activity Two
a.–b. Answers will vary. Teacher to check

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Level Three