Number Fans

Achievement Objectives
NA1-1: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
NA1-2: Know the forward and backward counting sequences of whole numbers to 100.
NA2-2: Know forward and backward counting sequences with whole numbers to at least 1000.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Form a set of objects in the range 1–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–10.

Say the forwards and backwards number word sequences in the range 0–100.

Identify numbers in the range 0–1000.

Say the forwards and backwards number word sequences by ones, tens, and hundreds in the range 0 – 1000.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–1 000 000.

Say the forwards and backwards whole number word sequences by ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands in the range 0–1 000 000, including finding numbers that are 10, 100, and 1 000 more or less than a given number.

Identify and order decimals to three places.

Say the number one–thousandth, one–hundredth, one–tenth, one, and ten, etc, before and after any given number.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stages 1 to 7

Required Resource Materials
Fan Numbers decimal point (Material Master 4-18)

Fan Numbers (Material Master 4-10)


The students use the fans to show numbers. As the students’ knowledge develops, bigger whole numbers may be used. For example: 8, 4, 7 ..., then 24, 48 ..., then 134, 178 ..., then 2 345, 8 034 ...,  then 45 702, 803 856 ....

Normally no digit can be repeated in a number because the fans have no repeated digits.

However, some commercial fans do have repeated digits.


Activity – Decimal Numbers

Repeat the previous activity. Material Master 4–18 contains a decimal point, or a loose card with  a dot printed on it may be used as the decimal point. With decimals, be careful not to say “six point seventy-five” as this may confuse decimals fractions with other uses of the decimal point in money and measurement such as six dollars seventy-five cents and 6.75 metres. Instead say “six point seven, five”.


Activity – Number Sequence and Order

Extend the use of number fans to the Number Sequence and Order part of the Number Framework by using problems like:

Show the number that comes after or before 6, 17, 19 ...        456 ...

Show the number 10 after or before 46 ... 783 ... 41 895 ...

Show the number 100 after or before 357 ... 92 863 ...

Show the number two greater than 30, 45, 247 ... 64 723 ... 3.5 ...

Show the number in between 23 and 25 ... 456 and 458 ...

Show the decimal one-tenth more or less than 2.3, 5.7, 8.03, 43.092 ...

Show the decimal one-hundredth more or less than 1, 5.62, 3.8 ...

Show the decimal for  1/2, 1/4, 3/5, 7/8,  ...

Show the decimal for 40%, 85%, 123%, 12.5% ...



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