No way Jose


In this unit we develop the language of probability by considering events which are likely or unlikely. We do this using the context of children's stories.

Achievement Objectives
S1-3: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance, acknowledging and anticipating possible outcomes.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Use everyday language to talk about chance.
  • Classify events as certain, possible, or impossible.
Description of Mathematics

This unit is about developing the language of probability. The words that are introduced and explored are; always, perhaps, no way Jose, certain, possible, impossible, will, might, won’t, will, maybe, never, yes, maybe, no. These are informal, everyday words that denote chance or probability. By using words that have some familiarity for the ākonga, they will begin to understand the overall concept of probability. As ākonga progress through the primary years they will gradually learn to assign fractions or decimals to given probabilities using both a theoretical and experimental approach.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to support ākonga include:

  • using their own experiences of what they see as they walk or travel to school (or a different journey) rather than the perspectives of a character in a story. Ask the ākonga to draw or tell you about something that they 'will see', 'won’t see' and 'might see' on the way to school
  • providing opportunities for ākonga to read/listen/watch the selected story at the start of each of the 'exploring' session rather than assuming that ākonga already know the story and can use the story packet independently
  • encouraging ākonga to use the most appropriate probability language to predict the chance or events happening
  • some ākonga may be ready to explore probability and chance using other contexts, for example, rolling a dice or names in a hat.

The contexts for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your ākonga. For example:

  • beginning the unit by using journeys (e.g. going to the beach, travelling between home and kura) that are relevant to your ākonga
  • creating story packets for stories that are popular with ākonga in your class, for example, Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy by Lynley Dodd (also available in te reo Māori Hairy Maclary No Te Teri A Tanarahana) or Māori myths and legends from Gavin Bishop's Atua
  • encouraging ākonga, whānau and other classrooms to make story packets for different stories or made up stories. You could then swap your stories and story packets with other classrooms to investigate. Whānau members could come into kura to share their stories and story packets with ākonga

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tūponotanga (probability/chance), kaore pea (unlikely), and pea (likely) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials

Getting Started

Today we follow Māui and his brothers on their journey to Rā the sun. We will look at the people and things Māui and his brothers are likely to meet.

  1. Read or tell the story of Māui and the Sun. 
    Discuss with ākonga the setting of Māui's journey. Encourage ākonga to share their ideas about the objects that could be found on the land and sea as Māui journeys to Rā the sun.
    1. Show a picture of a fern to the class. Ask: Do you think Māui will see a fern on his journey to Rā the sun?
      Peg/blu tack the picture of the fern beneath the word card "will".
  2. Show a picture of a basketball to the class. Ask: Do you think Māui will see a basketball on his journey to Rā the sun?
    Display the picture beneath the word card "won’t".
  3. Show a picture of a frog to the class. Ask: Do you think Māui will see a frog on his journey to Rā the sun? 
    Display the picture beneath the word card "might".
  4. Show ākonga the rest of the pictures in the Māui and the Sun story pack. Let ākonga take turns placing the picture under a word card. Ask ākonga to justify their decision. Some ākonga may have differing opinions, you may need to facilitate this.


Over the next 2 to 3 days, ākonga can look at the journeys of other characters in different stories and make decisions about who or what they might meet.

  1. In pairs (tuakana/teina), let ākonga select one of the prepared story packets. A story packet contains 3 word cards and pictures of objects for ākonga to classify.
    Remind ākonga to peg the pictures beneath the word cards. Stories could be read to ākonga in a tuakana/teina model, retold by other ākonga, listened to on audio books or watched on youtube or other sources. 
  2. As ākonga classify the cards, ask questions that encourage ākonga to explain their thinking.
    Tell me why you have put that there?
    Why do you think that …….. is impossible?
    Could you have put it with one of the other words? Why/Why not?
  3. Ākonga can draw 3 new pictures on blank cards – one object for each word card in their story packet.
  4. At the end of each day, give ākonga an opportunity to display and discuss where and why they have put the pictures under each word.
  5. As ākonga share their decisions, encourage ākonga to use the language of probability.


  1. We begin today’s session by asking ākonga to brainstorm a list of their favourite stories.
  2. In pairs, ask ākonga to select a story for which they can make a story pack. Discuss what the contents of a story pack are (pictures and 3 word cards).
  3. Allow the pairs time to talk about the people or things that the main character will, might or won’t see.
  4. Share ideas to ensure that ākonga understand what they are doing.
  5. Let ākonga decide on the 3 probability words that they are going to include in their story pack. These words can either be provided on cards or written on the board for the ākonga to copy.
  6. As ākonga make their story packs, ask questions that focus on their use of probability words and their decisions about the likelihood of events.
  7. Swap packs.
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Level One