Fraction Pieces

Achievement Objectives
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
NA2-5: Know simple fractions in everyday use.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Identify the symbols for halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, and tenths including fractions greater than 1.

Identify symbols for any fraction, including tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and those greater than 1.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stages 5 and 6

Required Resource Materials


How to name fractions is not obvious for many students. It is important that the students know that most fraction words end in a “th”. For such words, the link to the symbol is clear. For example, one-eighth links to (the denominator is eight). Unfortunately the fractions that are most commonly encountered do not obey this rule; halves, thirds, and quarters are not clearly linked to their symbols , , by the “th” clue at the end of the word. Linking the words to their symbols needs constant repetition throughout all fraction activities.


Get the students to sort similar fraction pieces and then create whole circles. Record the words for the unit fractions and their symbols on the board or modelling book.

Ask the students to choose the matching piece and describe what the whole (1) looks like. Extend this to writing non-unit fractions like , , and for the students to model.




 Draw a circle on the board or modelling book with two unequalpieces. Discuss why these pieces are not halves. Extend this to three and four equal and non-equal divisions and ask the students to identify the thirds and quarters (fourths).

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Level Two
Level Three