Arty Shapes


In this unit ākonga participate in a variety of art based activities to develop their knowledge of 2-dimensional shapes. They use their own language to describe their works and the shapes they have used.

Achievement Objectives
GM1-2: Sort objects by their appearance.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Name 2-dimensional shapes: triangle, square, oblong (non-square rectangle), circle, oval and diamond.
  • Describe shape attributes (sides, corners, curved and straight lines, edges, pointed) in their own language.
Description of Mathematics

This unit begins an exploration of basic 2D shapes, their properties and the mathematical language associated with them in both te reo Māori and Engligh. There is a progression from the way the ākonga think of and see these objects to the more formal mathematical ideas and descriptions. In order to be able to communicate on any topic, there is a need for a common language. This unit takes the initial steps in the formulation of this common language.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:  

  • providing ākonga with cut-out shapes if they have difficulty cutting them from paper
  • asking ākonga to suggest objects that they could create with the shapes available
  • providing ākonga with a variety of material that can be used to create shapes and identify their attributes
  • providing ākonga with plenty of opportunities to use the common language developed in this lesson, as individuals, with their peers, and in whole-class environment. 

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests, experiences and cultural makeup of your ākonga. This unit begins with looking at Piet Mondrians's artwork. In Session One, ākonga practice identifying shapes and describing them. Instead, or following this discussion, you could work with ākonga to identify art in their culture. Possible contexts of art in te ao Māori could be raranga/weaving, whakairo/carving, or peitatanga/painting. The art that is utilised in this learning should make clear links to the specific learning outcomes, meaning it should include images of 2-dimensional shapes (i.e. triangle, square, oblong, circle, oval, diamond).

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tahi (one), rua (two), toru (three), tapatoru (triangle), tapawhā rite (square), tapawhā hāngai (non-square triangle), porowhita (circle), porohema (oval) and taimana (diamond) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials
  • Examples of Mondrian art. These can be found by doing an online image search.
  • Session One: Black paper, colour copies of the Shape Sheet in a variety of sizes, scissors, glue.
  • Session Two: Paper for each ākonga, shallow containers of PVA glue, paint or food colouring to colour PVA (optional), string.
  • Session Three: A copy of the Tiki copymaster for each ākonga, large stencils made of thick card in a variety of shapes, crayons and dye.
  • Session Four: Salt, flour and water to make salt dough, rolling pins, biscuit cutters in a variety of shapes, drinking straws, coat hangers or similar to hang shapes from, access to an oven to dry salt dough shapes, paint and string.
  • A word wall, vocabulary poster, or T chart may be a useful scaffold addition within the classroom learning environment for students to use throughout the unit. You could create and add to this with your class to conclude each session.

Throughout each session encourage the ākonga to talk about what they are making and the features of the shapes they are using. Discuss the similarities and differences in shapes and encourage a wide use of a range of terms. Counting the numbers of sides and the numbers of corners each shape has is also a good way to get ākonga to focus on shapes.

Questions or pātai to use:

  • Do you see any ways that these shapes are alike? How are they alike?
  • Can you see any shapes that are different? How are they different?
  • What do these shapes have in common?
  • What are some of the things you notice about the shapes you are using?
  • Do you know what we call these shapes?
  • What can you tell me about that shape?
  • Why have you chosen to use that shape?
  • Are all the sides the same? Are all the corners the same?

A word wall, vocabulary poster, or T chart may be a useful scaffold for ākonga to use throughout this unit.

Session 1: Shape collage

  1. Begin the session by looking at some of Piet Mondrian’s primary coloured and cubist art works. Have ākonga identify the shapes they can see and describe these.

    • What shapes has the artist used in their painting?
    • Can you see where the artist has used corners?
    • Where are the straight lines in this art work?
    • How would you describe the shapes the artist has used?

    As the ākonga identify the shapes and their features, record these in a visible place (e.g. whiteboard, on a large poster).

  2. Provide ākonga with one sheet of black paper each, a variety of shapes in different sizes and a pair of scissors. To support ākonga, who require more scaffolding in recognising and naming shapes, you could use a tactile material such as play-dough and/or popsicle sticks, stencils, or sand to make these shapes. This could be done as a small group until ākonga are ready to progress to the cutting task.
  3. Have ākonga colour in and cut out a variety of shapes and arrange them in interesting ways to make a picture, this may be abstract or a familiar object such as a car or a person. This could be linked to a relevant context from other areas of the curriculum (e.g. remember we went to a marae last week. The wharenui had a triangle for the roof made by the maihi (arms), and a big oblong-shaped building. It had long oblong posts on either side of the oblong. Can you create a wharenui from the shapes you have cut out?) You might support students by getting them to build their collage first with plastic shapes or sticks and play-dough, so that they have an image to refer back to.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others and to change their designs as their ideas develop.
  5. Once they are satisfied with their pictures, ākonga glue the shapes in place.

Session 2: String shapes with PVA

  1. Revisit the names and attributes of shapes you looked at in the previous session. Use the collage art that ākonga created to encourage discussion of the different shapes and attributes (e.g. who had a square on their collage, show your partner where the square is).
  2. Provide each ākonga with a sheet of paper, strings of varying lengths and access to a shallow container of PVA. PVA may be coloured using food colouring or paint if desired.
  3. Ākonga dip pieces of string into the PVA and place them onto their pictures, making a variety of shapes in their work.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others and to change their designs as their ideas develop.
  5. Once designs are dry they can be used as a block to create crayon rubbings if desired.

Session 3: Shape stencils in crayon and dye

  1. Provide each ākonga with a piece of paper, some large stencils made of thick card in a variety of shapes and some crayons.
  2. Ākonga trace around the stencils in a variety of different colour crayons, overlapping shapes to create an interesting effect. You may need to model the tracing action for the whole class, or for individuals or groups of students. Encourage tuakana-teina by getting students to help each other with the tracing.
  3. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others. Explicitly model and encourage the language stated in the learning outcomes (i.e. shape names and attributes). Use phrases such as how many lines can you see on your collage? I can see 5 different shapes, can you name them all?
  4. When the shapes are completed ākonga can paint over the shapes with dye, or use crayons, pencils etc. to enhance their work.

Session 4: Shape mobiles

  1. Mix salt dough using equal quantities of salt and flour with enough water to form dough with good consistency. Links to science could be made here (e.g. what happens when we mix wet and dry ingredients? How much of each wet and dry ingredient do we need to add to make a dough?)
  2. Provide ākonga with dough and cutters.
  3. Ākonga flatten dough using rolling pins and cut a variety of shapes using biscuit cutters. Each shape needs a hole at the top to enable it to be hung with string. This can be made using a small piece of drinking straw.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others.
  5. Place shapes in the oven at 100°C for 1 - 2 hours to dry out.
  6. Once shapes are dry they can be painted and hung onto a coat hanger with string to create a mobile.

Session 5

In this session ākonga reflect on one of their art-works made in the previous sessions, discuss and describe it and write about their work. Encourage ākonga to use both te reo Māori and English to describe their artworks.

Their writing could then be published and displayed, either in a classroom display or in a large book for the book corner. Encourage ākonga to share their produced artwork and learning with family and whānau.

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Level One