Tens Facts



You can help your child learn addition facts with multiples of ten. For example, 70 + 70 = 140.

What you need:

  • A set of cards with the face cards and number ten in each suit removed.
  • 2 pieces of paper, with a “0" drawn on the right hand side.

What to do:

Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile face down.

Take 2 cards and place them on the left hand side of each piece of paper. This forms 2 numbers that are multiples of ten. For example 70 and 60 are shown as: 


Ask your child to add the 2 numbers together.

Repeat using other cards to make other addition problems. Take turns with your child to deal out the cards and solve the problems.

What to expect your child to do:

Use the addition facts they know to help them find the answers. For example, if they know 4 + 8 is 12, they can use this to identify that 40 + 80 = 120.

He Kupu Māori:

tens number tau ngahuru
add tāpiri (-a)
total tapeke
solution, answer otinga

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Riwhiriwhia ngā kāri, ka whakaputu ai ko ngā mata ki raro. (Shuffle the cards and put them face down in a pile.)
  • Tangohia ētahi kāri e rua. Whakatakotoria ō kāri ki te taha mauī o ēnei kore hei hanga i ētahi tau ngahuru e rua. (Pick up two cards. Put your cards down on the left of these two zeros, so you make two tens numbers.)
  • Tāpiria ēnei tau ngahuru e rua. (Add together these two tens numbers,)
  • E hia te tapeke? (How many is the total?)
  • E mōhio ana koe ki te [3 tāpiria te 5]. Nō reira he aha te otinga o te [30 tāpiria te 50]? (You know what [3 plus 5] is. So what is the answer to [30 plus 50]?)

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