Pairs to One Hundred



You can help your child learn pairs of numbers that add to make one hundred, for example 37 and 63.

What to do:

Use a calculator to challenge each other to make number pairs that add to one hundred.

Enter a two-digit number into the calculator. For example, 28.

Challenge the other player to make the number into one hundred using just one other number. In the above example the child needs to enter “+ 72=” to make one hundred.

Take turns entering numbers and completing the challenge using many different two digit numbers.

He Kupu Māori:

three digit number tau mati-toru
calculator tātaitai
add (addition) tāpiri (tāpiritanga)

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Māku e tuhi tētahi tau ki te tātaitai. He tau mati-rua. (I’ll write a number in to the calculator. A two digit number.)
  • Ko te [toru tekau mā waru] te tau kua whakaurua ki te tātaitai. He aha te tāpiritanga kia eke ki te kotahi rau? (The number entered in the calculator is [38]. What addition will get us up to 100?)
  • Māu e whakauru te tāpiritanga ki te tātaitai. (You enter the addition to the calculator.)

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