Tens and Hundreds



You can help your child know how many tens and hundreds there are in whole numbers.

What you need:

Sales brochures from the newspaper, for example furniture stores, car sales, electrical appliance brochures. Choose catalogues which have easily read prices.

What to do:

Select an item, for example a camera that costs $399.99. Ask your child about the money they could use to buy the item.
    How many ten dollars notes would you need to buy this camera? Why?
    You would need forty ten dollar notes because that would be $400.
    How many $100 notes would you need to buy this camera? Why?
    You would need four one hundred dollar notes because that would be $400.

Repeat using different items and different prices.

When children are confident with these questions, ask them about three and four digit numbers.
    How many tens are there in all of 383? 38 tens and three left over
    How many tens are there in all of 7 481? 748 tens and one left over
    How many hundreds are there in all of 785? 7 hundreds and 85 left over
    How many hundreds are there in all of 1 438? 14 hundreds and 38 left over

What to expect your child to do:

Be able to tell you the numbers of hundreds, tens and ones in three and four digit numbers.

For example: In 563 there are 563 ones in total, 56 tens in total and 5 hundreds in total.
In 7 814 there are 7 814 ones in total, 781 tens in total, 78 hundreds in total, and 7 thousands in total.

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Kia hia ngā tekau tāra hei hoko i tēnei kāmera? (How many $10 to buy this camera?)
  • Whakamāramatia mai. (Explain it to me.)
  • Kia whā tekau ngā tekau tāra, nā te mea ka eke tērā ki te whā rau tāra. (40 ten dollars because that would amount to $400.)
  • Kia hia ngā rau tāra hei hoko i tēnei kāmera? He aha ai? (How many $100 to buy this camera? Why?)
  • Kia whā ngā rau tāra, nā te mea ka eke tērā ki te whā rau tāra. (4 hundred dollars because that would amount to $400.)
  • E hia ngā tekau kei roto i te katoa o te toru rau waru tekau mā toru? (How many 10’s are there in all of 383?)
  • E toru tekau mā waru ngā tekau, me te toru e toe ana. (38 tens and 3 left over.)
  • E hia ngā tekau kei roto i te katoa o te whitu mano whā rau waru tekau mā tahi? (How many 10’s are there in all of 7,481?)
  • E whitu rau whā tekau mā waru ngā tekau, me te kotahi e toe ana. (748 tens and 1 left over.)

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