Plates Plus Ten



This activity can help your child name the number 10 more than a given number with 4 digits. For example, the number ten more than 7935 is 7945.

What you need:

Vehicle license plates. Play this game while you are traveling in the car.

What to do:

As you travel in the car have everybody look for numbers on vehicle license plates. As quickly as possible call out the number that is ten more than the number on the plate. For example, if the number on the plate is 6749, the number called out is 6759.

Players try to be the first to call out the number.

To keep score, give out one point for the first correct answer for each plate. 


  • Players call out number 10 less than the number on the plate.
  • Players call out the number 100 more or 100 less than the number on the plate.
  • Players call out the number 1000 more or 1000 less than the number on the plate.
  • Try this in other languages.

Related Māori vocab:

bigger than rahi ake
less than iti ake
ten bigger than tekau te rahinga ake
ten smaller than tekau te itinga ake
three digit number tau mati-toru

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Kōrerohia mai tērā tau tohu motukā. (Say that car number plate.)
  • He aha te tau he tekau te rahinga ake i tērā? (What number is 10 greater than that?)
  • Ko koe te mea tere ki te whakahua i te tau he tekau te rahinga ake. (You were first to say the number which is 10 bigger.)
  • Ki a koe te piro. (You get the point/score.)

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