Home–School Partnership: Numeracy

The Home–School Partnership concept is based on the principles of cultural inclusion and partnership between schools and their communities. It covers both literacy and numeracy and aims to support, develop, and use the rich resources of diverse people in the school community.

This Home–School Partnership: Numeracy handbook has been written to help schools and communities as they work together to support children's achievement in numeracy. The suggestions in it are intended as a guide for principals, teachers, and parents when they are planning Home–School Partnership: Numeracy sessions. The handbook is not a “do it this way” list of instructions but a collection of ideas to select from and add to the good ideas already used in home and school communities.

One obstacle for parents visiting their child's mathematics classroom or attending school functions can be the language that teachers use. Sometimes teachers use the language of education and schools and then further confuse parents by using unexplained mathematical language. Those planning Home–School Partnership: Numeracy sessions need to carefully consider the language used and the intended audience. It is with that point in mind that this book has been written.

The term “numeracy” used throughout this book refers to the mathematics that children learn at primary and intermediate schools. The terms “numeracy”, “mathematics”, and “maths” mean the same thing in this book.

The Numeracy Development Projects are a New Zealand-wide professional development programme for teachers. The projects aim to improve students' performance in mathematics through improving the professional capability of teachers. For more information about numeracy or the Numeracy Projects, refer to the Ministry of Education's nzmaths website.

Kia mahia tatau tahi
ma te paiinga a a tatau tamariki.

May we all work together
for the good of our children.

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