Tens, Hundreds, Thousands



You can help your child to learn the multiplication basic facts with tens, hundreds and thousands, for example 10 x 100 = 1000, 100 x 100 = 10 000.

What you need:

A calculator

What to do:

Type a basic fact into the calculator, for example “10 x 100”. Before you press “=” ask your child to predict what the answer will be. Take turns with your child to enter the basic facts into the calculator and predict the results.

For each fact that you solve, discuss whether the answer from the calculator is reasonable. For example, 10 x 100 = 1000 can be reasoned as “5 x 100 = 500, and 500 is half of 1000, so 1000 must be the right answer.” This encourages your child to check the answers they receive from the calculator, rather than accept them as correct without consideration.

Keep a list of the problems you solve. Can you see a pattern in the answers? Look at the number of zeros in each problem and solution.

He Kupu Māori:

calculator tātaitai
multiply whakarea (whakarau)
multiply 10 by 100 whakareatia te 10 ki te 100

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Māku e whakauru tētahi whakareatanga ki te tātaitai. Whakareatia te [tekau ki te rau]. (I’ll put a multiplication in to the calculator. [10 multiplied by 100])
  • I mua i taku pēhi i te tohu ōrite, māu e whakaoti. Whakareatia te [10 ki te 100], ka hia? (Before I press the equal sign, you solve it. Multiply [10 by a hundred], how many is that?)
  • E kite ana koe i tētahi tauira mō ēnei whakareatanga? Whakamāramatia mai. (Can you see a pattern with these multiplications? Explain it to me.)
  • Kia titiro tāua ki tēnei whakareatanga, [10 x 100]. E hia ngā kore o ngā tau e whakareatia ana? He aha te otinga? E hia ngā kore o te otinga? (Let’s have a look at this multiplication, [10 x 100]. How many zeros are there in the numbers being multiplied? What is the answer? How many zeros in the answer?)

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