Subtraction Puzzle



You can help your child to recall the subtraction basic facts up to 20.   

What you need:

Subtraction Puzzle Board (PDF, 40 KB). You can print this or make your own.

What to do:

Cut out the puzzle and give the pieces to your child.
Ask your child to arrange the pieces back into the 3 by 3 grid so that sides of the touching pieces match. For example, 11 - 4 needs to match 7.
Two hints you may wish to give your child:
  1. When the puzzle is complete none of the pieces will be orientated so the numbers are upside down.
  2. The piece with 2 blank sides can go in the top left corner of the puzzle.

What to expect your child to do:

To use their subtraction basic facts to solve the puzzle. 


Make your own puzzle. Puzzles where every fact has a different answer are easier to solve.

He Kupu Māori:

upside down
jigsaw puzzle
hono (a)
tango (hia)
subtract, take away

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • He rite tēnei ki te pangahono. (This is like a jigsaw puzzle.)
  • E iwa ngā kāri hei honohono māu. (There are nine cards for you to put together.)
  • Honoa ngā kāri kia hāngai tonu ia tangohanga ki te otinga e tika ana. (Put the cards together so that each subtraction aligns with its answer.)
  • Hei tauira, me hāngai tonu te tangohanga o te ono i te whitu ki te kotahi. (For example, the subtraction of 6 from 7 (7 – 6) should align with 1.)
  • Tangohia te ono i te whitu, ka hia? (Take away 6 from 7. How many is that?)
  • Ko te kāri e wātea ana ētahi taha e rua, koia te kāri tīmatanga – me whakatakoto ki te kokonga runga mauī. (The card with two blank sides is the starting card – it should go in the upper left hand corner.)
  • Kāore he tuhinga porotēteke i ngā kāri. (None of the writing appears upside down.)

Download a file of this activity:

PDF (212KB)