Make One with Decimals



You can help your child learn the decimal numbers that add to make one.

What you need:

What to do:

Play this two player game with your child.

Each player needs a game board. Start with all the cards in a pile, face down, between the two players.

Take turns drawing one of the cards from the pile. Cover the number on your board that "makes one" with the card drawn. For example, if you draw the 0.7 card, cover 0.3 with a counter.

If the pile of cards runs out during play, shuffle cards and replace.

The winner is the first person with all the numbers on their board covered.

What to expect your child to do:

Know the number that "makes one" with the card drawn without having to calculate.

He Kupu Māori:

decimal numbers tau ā-ira
counter porotiti
game board papa tākaro

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Anei te papa tākaro māu. Anei tāku. (Here’s the game board for you. Here’s mine.)
  • Kei a koe i te tuatahi. Tangohia tētahi kāri. (Your turn first. Take a card.)
  • He aha te tau tāpiri kia eke ki te kotahi? Uhia taua tau i tō papa tākaro ki tētahi porotiti. (What number adds to make 1? Cover that number on your game board with a counter.)
  • Ko te tangata tuatahi ki te uhi i ngā tau katoa i tana papa tākaro, ko ia te toa. (The first person to cover all the numbers on their game board is the winner.)

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