Calculator Challenge



You can help your child learn decimal numbers that add to make one.

What you need:


What to do:

Use a calculator to play the calculator challenge.

Enter a number with 2 decimal places into the calculator. For example: 0.83.

Challenge the other player to make the number into one using just one other number. In the above example the child needs to enter "+ 0.17 =" to make one.

Take turns entering numbers and completing the challenge using many different decimal numbers. 

He Kupu Māori:

calculator tātaitai
decimal numbers tau ā-ira
0.83 kore ira waru toru
number with two decimal places (he) tau kia rua ngā mati ā-ira

Kia Mataara:

Ko te pānui tika i ngā tau ā-ira:

0.83 = kore ira waru toru (kaua e pānui pēneitia: kore ira waru tekau mā toru)

0.83 is correctly read as ‘zero point eight three (not as zero point eighty three)

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Tuhia he tau kia rua ngā mati ā-ira ki te tātaitai. Hei tauira, ko te kore ira waru toru (0.83). (Enter a number with 2 decimal places into the calculator. For example: 0.83.)
  • Tāpirihia tētahi atu tau ā-ira kia eke ki te kotahi. I tēnei tauira, ki te tāpirihia te 0.17, kua eke ki te kotahi (0.83 + 0.17 = 1) (Add another decimal number to get to one. In this example 0.17 is added to make one)

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