Up and down with decimals



  • To help your child to name the next decimal number.
  • To help your child to name one more or one less than a ten, one, tenth, hundredth or thousandth.

What you need:

  • Pen and paper
  • Decimal number charts

What to do:

Draw the chart or print out the decimal number charts.

Ask your child to write a decimal number with 3 decimal places on the top line of the chart.

For example: 34.582

Ask your child to name the decimal

one ten more 44.582

one one more 35.582

one tenth more 34.682

one hundredth more 34.592

one thousandth more than the number 34.593

Write each new decimal number in the next rows

What to expect your child to do:

To be able to name decimals ten, one, tenth, hundredth, thousandth more or less than a whole or decimal number.


  • Write a new decimal number on the first line. Ask your child to name the decimal ten, one, one-tenth, one-hundredth or one-thousandth more than that number. Write the number in the second row.  Keep going until every digit in the original has been changed.
  • Repeat the activity but this time ask your child to name the decimal ten, one, one-tenth, one-hundredth or one-thousandth lessthan the number.

He Kupu Māori:

decimal number tau ā-ira
row (of a chart) kapa
chart tūtohi
one more than kotahi te rahinga ake
one tenth less than kotahi hautekau te itinga iho

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Tuhia he tau ki te kapa runga o te tūtohi, kia toru ōna mati ā-ira. (Write an number on the top row of the chart, let it have 3 decimal places.)
  • Tuhia te tau ā-ira kotahi hautekau te rahinga ake ki te kapa tuarua. (Write the decimal number which is one tenth larger in the second row.)
  • Tuhia te tau ā-ira kotahi haurau te rahinga ake ki te kapa tuatoru. (Write the decimal number which is one hundredth larger in the second row.)
  • Tuhia te tau ā-ira tekau te rahinga ake ki te kapa tuawhā. (Write the decimal number which is ten larger in the second row.)
  • Tuhia te tau ā-ira kotahi haumano te rahinga ake ki te kapa tuarima. (Write the decimal number which is one thousandth larger in the second row.)
  • Tuhia te tau ā-ira kotahi hautekau te itinga iho ki te kapa tuarua. (Write the decimal number which is one tenth smaller in the second row.)

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