Before and After Big Numbers



You can help your child to say a number 1, 10, 100, 1000 before and after a given number in the range 0 – 1 000 000.

What you need:


What to do:

Instruction: Give your child a number to enter on the calculator. For example: 725 346. Check they have entered it correctly. 
Question: What digit will we need to change to find the number 100 after 735 346?
Answer: The 3 because it is in the hundreds column
Instruction: Add 100 on the calculator. Press + 100 =
Question: What is the number 100 after 725 346?
Instruction: Read the answer from the calculator. Answer = 725 446
Question: What digit will we need to change to find the number 10 000 after 725 346?
Answer: The 2 because it is in the ten thousands column
Instruction: Add 10 000 on the calculator. Press + 10 000 =
Question: What is the number 10 000 after 725 346?
Instruction: Read the answer from the calculator.  Answer = 735 346
Question: What digit will we need to change to find the number 1000 before 725 346? 
Answer: The 5 because it is in the thousands column
Instruction: Subtract 1000 on the calculator. Press - 1000 =
Question: What is the number 1000 before 725 346? 
Instruction: Read the answer from the calculator.  Answer = 734 346  
Focus on one column each time you do this activity. E.g. Hundreds, ten thousands or tens etc.  Keep each session to about twenty minutes.

What to expect your child to do:

  • To read the numbers correctly.
  • To recognise the place value of numbers in the columns, e.g. the 2 is in the ten thousands column.


  • Help your child read big numbers by asking them to enter a number on the calculator and read it to you. Then ask them to add or subtract a number and read you the new number.
  • Practice entering and reading numbers in your home language(s).

He Kupu Māori:

tango (hia)
tāpiri (hia)
uara tū
place value
pānui (hia)
piki ake
heke iho

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Tuhia te tau 725 346 (whitu rau rua tekau mā rima mano, toru rau whā tekau mā ono) ki te tātaitai. (Enter the number 725 346 to the calculator.)
  • Ina tāpiria te 10 000, ko tēhea te mati ka hurihia? (If you add 10 000, which digit changes?)
  • Ka piki ake te 2 ki te 3, nā te mea koirā te mati kei te uara tū o te tekau mano. (The 2 increases to a 3 because that is the digit in the 10 000 place value.)
  • Ina tangohia te 100, ko tēhea te mati ka hurihia? (If you subtract 100, which digit changes?)
  • Ka heke iho te 3 ki te 2, nā te mea koirā te mati e tohu ana i ngā rau. (The 3 decreases to a 2 because that is the digit showing the hundreds.)
  • Tāpirihia te 10 000 i te tātaitai. (Add 10 000 on the calculator.)
  • Pānuihia te tau i te tātaitai. (Read the number on the calculator.)

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