Add and Multiply



The purpose of this activity is to help your child practise their multiplication facts.

What you need:

  • Four dice
  • Pen and Paper for recording

What to do:

The aim of the game is to produce the largest total by adding the values on pairs of dice and then multiplying these two totals.

  • The dice are rolled. Players race to produce the largest value. For example, If 2, 4, 5, 6 are thrown they could be paired as:
    2 + 4 and 5 + 6 which would give 6 x 11 = 66 or
    2 + 5 and 4 + 6 which would give 7 x 10 = 70 or
    2 + 6 and 4 + 5 which would give 8 x 9 = 72, the winning total
  • Roll again. The first player to win three games is the winner.

What to expect your child to do:

Children should be able to add numbers to ten together mentally or give instant responses to these. They should have instant recall of multiplication facts.


  • Try to get the smallest value.
  • Add three numbers together and multiply the total by the fourth number.
  • Use 5 dice: Add three numbers and two numbers and then multiply these totals.

He Kupu Māori:

dice mataono tau
add tāpiri (-hia)
multiply whakarea (-tia)
pair takirua
answer (to a maths problem) otinga
roll (a dice) pīrori (-hia)

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Pīrorihia ngā mataono tau e whā. (Roll the four dice.)
  • Wehea kia rua ngā takirua mataono tau. Tāpirihia ngā tau o ia takirua. (Split the dice into two pairs add the numbers on each pair.)
  • Whakareatia ngā tapeke. He aha te otinga? (Multiply the totals. What is the answer?)
  • E whai ana koe i te otinga nui rawa atu e taea ana. Nō reira, āta whakaarohia te wehewehe i ngā mataono tau ki ngā takirua e rua. (You are aiming to get the biggest answer possible, so think carefully about how you pair the dice together.)
  • E whai ana koe i te otinga iti rawa atu e taea ana. (You are aiming for the smallest answer possible)
  • Tāpirihia kia toru ngā tau, ka whakareatia ai ki te tau tuawhā. (Add three numbers and multiply by the fourth.)
  • Pīrorihia kia rima ngā mataono tau. Tāpirihia ētahi tau e toru me ētahi tau e rua. Whakareatia ngā tapeke. (Add three of the numbers and two of the numbers. Multiply the totals.)

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