1, 10 and 100 Before and After



You can help your child know the number 1, 10 or 100 before or after a hundreds number.

What you need:

Pack of cards. Ace = 1, remove the 10 and the picture cards

What to do:

Shuffle the cards and place face down between the players. Take 3 cards and together the players arrange the cards to form a hundreds number.
Then deal each player 3 cards. Take turns to place a card on top of a card in the displayed number to make it 1, 10 or 100 more or less than the displayed number. Read aloud the new number and explain how it is changed. For example, if the display number is 472, the first player could place a 6 on the 7, and say “the number is now 462, it is 10 less than 472”. Players take turns building on the number. If a player can’t place a card they take one from the pile. If neither player can make a move the game ends.
The winner is the player with the least number of cards in their hand at the end of the game or the player who plays all their cards.
Note: there is no 0 because you can’t change a 0 to a 9 or vice versa without changing 2 digits in the display number.

What to expect your child to do:

To correctly make a number 1, 10 or 100 less or more than the displayed number and be able to read the number aloud.


Play with 4 cards in the display number and change it by 1, 10, 100 or 1000.

He Kupu Māori:

riwhiriwhi (~a)
toha (~ina)
deal, distribute
tau mati-toru
3-digit number
putunga kāri
pile of cards
rahinga ake
more than
itinga iho
less than
kāri e akohia ana
cards being learnt

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Riwhiriwhia ngā kāri, ka whakatakoto ai hei putunga, ko ngā mata ki raro. (Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile.)
  • Tangohia ētahi kāri e toru, ka whakatakoto ai ki mua i a tātou hei tau mati-toru. (Take 3 cards and put them down in front of us to make a 3-digit number.)
  • Tohaina kia toru ngā kāri ki ia kaitākaro. (Deal 3 cards to each player.)
  • Kei a koe i te tuatahi e kare. Whakatakotoria tētahi o ō kāri ki runga i tētahi o ngā mati o te tau mati-toru nei. Ko tāu mahi, he whakapiki, he whakaheke rānei i te tau mati-toru, mā te tahi, mā te tekau, mā te rau rānei. (Your turn first. Place one of your cards on one of the digits of our 3-digit number. What you have to do is increase or decrease the 3-digit number by 1, by 10 or by 100.)
  • Kua whakatakotoria te ono ki runga i te whitu o te tau 472. Kua whakahekea mā te tekau. Tekau te itinga iho o te 462 i te 472. (A  6 has been put on top of the 7 in the number 472. It has been decreased by 10. 462 is 10 less than 472.)
  • Karekau aku kāri hei whakapiki, hei whakaheke rānei i te tau mā te tahi mā te tekau, mā te rau rānei. Ka tango au i tētahi anō i te putunga kāri. Ka tukuna ki a koe e kare. (I haven’t got a card to increase or decrease the number by 1, by 10 or by 100. I’ll pick up a card from the pile. Pass on to you e kare.)
  • Ko koe te mea he iti rawa ō kāri e toe ana. Ko koe te toa e hoa. (You’re the one with fewer cards left. You win e hoa.)

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