Connected Level 3

Connected Number and Algebra, Level 3

Plants that Heal

Connected 2, 2010: Working with Nature, p.18
ContextExploring the medicinal properties of plants.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Readers follow a recipe to make natural ointment and calculate the profit from selling it.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

The Finishing Touch

Connected 2, 2007, p.27
ContextA mother and daughter are redecorating a rumpus room.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra/Measurement: Simple decimal length measurements are added, and multiplication and division strategies are applied to a practical patterning problem, suitable for students at numeracy stage 6-7.
Cross CurriculumThe Arts and Technology

The Big Race

Connected 2, 2006, p.28
ContextA grandfather shares the race results that led to his successful swimming career in his youth.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Distance, analogue and digital time, and speed can be explored using swimming race results.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Pond Puzzler

Connected 2, 2005, p.24
ContextA puzzle involving frogs hopping onto lily pads, is presented.
MathematicsNumber: The reader is challenged to find a strategy to solve a frog-hopping problem and be the first to have three frogs in a row.
Cross CurriculumKey competencies

Split personalities

Connected 2, 2003, p.27
ContextLarge amounts of cash are paid to a fictional youthful band of performers, who should share the money fairly.
MathematicsNumber: The story includes an opportunity to explore place value.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Hair, There, and Everywhere

Connected 2, 2003, p.2
ContextThis is an adaptation of the fictional story Rapunzel.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Problems are posed with reference to table that relates different hair lengths to their dollar values.
Cross CurriculumEnglish

Magic Muffins

Connected 2, 2001, p.3
ContextMrs Minty is making muffins.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Problems relating numbers of muffins and the costs of ingredients in decimals, involve the use of the four number operations and a range of strategies.
Cross CurriculumSocial Sciences

Number Hospital

Connected 2, 2000, p.12
ContextA play in which the characters are defined by their mathematical characteristics, and in which clever puns entertain.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra: This play explores prime numbers, place value with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers, exponential growth, and the four number operations.
Cross CurriculumEnglish

Miss Mind-reader

Connected 2, 2000, p.27
ContextA think-of-a-number problem is posed.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra: The digits in multiples of 9 are explored.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Multiplication Magic

Connected 2, 2000, p.30
ContextFinger patterns for the 9 times table.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra: Number patterns, beginning with the 9 times table, are investigated.
Cross CurriculumN/A

The Bubblegum Machine

Connected 2, 1999, p.20
ContextThis is a fictional story of a little girl in a bubblegum factory.
MathematicsNumber: Place value in 2-digit and 3-digit numbers is explored.
Cross CurriculumN/A

The Playful Frogs

Connected 2, 1999, p.30
ContextA puzzle involving frogs hopping onto lily pads.
MathematicsNumber: The reader is challenged to find a strategy to solve a frog-hopping problem and to decide if the frogs can change places.
Cross CurriculumKey competencies

Money Game

Connected 2, 1998, p.16
ContextA board game using counters, dice, a pencil and paper.
MathematicsNumber: The four number operations are applied to amounts of money less than $20.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Eight Coins

Connected 2, 1998, p.9
ContextAdding values of NZ coins.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra: A problem is posed requiring the reader to explore addends and sums of NZ coin values.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Nine Lemons

Connected 2, 1998, p.20
ContextA story about selling lemons
MathematicsNumber: Working with amounts of money less than $10.
Cross CurriculumEnglish

Connected Geometry and Measurement, Level 3


Connected Level 3, 2015
ContextCarrying out investigations into pseudoscientific claims.
MathematicsMeasurement: Calculating and comparing areas in cm2
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Rising Seas

Connected Level 3, 2014
ContextExploring some practical implications of sea level changes.
MathematicsMeasurement: Measurement data over time is presented for discussion and comparison, within a meaningful context.
Cross CurriculumScience and Social Sciences.

Rebuilding Christchurch with Amazing Ideas

Connected Level 3, 2014
ContextDesigning buildings as part of the Christchurch rebuild.
MathematicsGeometry: Exploring interlocking triangles, pentagons and hexagons in the process of making a cardboard geodesic dome.
Cross CurriculumTechnology and The Arts

The Fish Highway

Connected Level 3, 2013: Food for Thought, p.23
ContextFish populations in Wellington’s storm water system.
MathematicsStatistical Literacy/Measurement: Fish scientist, Frances, undertakes snapshot surveys of fish populations. Her data inform the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Building a Wharenui

Connected 2, 2011: Structure, p.10
ContextWhakairo, tukutuku panels and kōwhaiwhai patterns
MathematicsGeometry: The mathematics in a wharenui are highlighted in a study of the structural symmetry, reflections, rotations, and translations.
Cross CurriculumScience: Material World and Social Sciences

More than a Box

Connected 2, 2011: Structure, p.20
ContextStructural beams and braces in buildings
MathematicsGeometry: The relationship between rectangles and triangles is explored.
Cross CurriculumScience: Material World

Plants that Heal

Connected 2, 2010: Working with Nature, p.18
ContextExploring the medicinal properties of plants.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Readers follow a recipe to make natural ointment and calculate the profit from selling it.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Double, Double, Toilet Trouble

Connected 2, 2009, p.10
ContextInvestigating infectious organisms
MathematicsMeasurement: The measurements are given for bacteria can be discussed.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

The Finishing Touch

Connected 2, 2007, p.27
ContextA mother and daughter are redecorating a rumpus room.
MathematicsNumber/Algebra/Measurement: Simple decimal length measurements are added, and multiplication and division strategies are applied to a practical patterning problem, suitable for students at numeracy stage 6-7.
Cross CurriculumThe Arts and Technology

The Big Race

Connected 2, 2006, p.28
ContextA grandfather shares the race results that led to his successful swimming career in his youth.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Distance, analogue and digital time, and speed can be explored using swimming race results.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Time Zones

Connected 2, 2004, p.22
ContextA New Zealand boy wants to phone his Mum who is at a wedding in Italy. He and his Dad work out what time it will be.
MathematicsMeasurement: Time zones are explained within the text and with reference to a model world globe.
Cross CurriculumSocial Sciences

Hair, There, and Everywhere

Connected 2, 2003, p.2
ContextThis is an adaptation of the fictional story Rapunzel.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Problems are posed with reference to table that relates different hair lengths to their dollar values.
Cross CurriculumEnglish

Make a Decorative Icosahedron

Connected 2, 2002, p.19
ContextPractical instructions are given for making a cardboard icosahedron.
MathematicsGeometry/Measurement: The student is shown how to find the centre of a circle, draw the radius, three arcs, and an equilateral triangle, as part of the process of creating an icosahedral decoration.
Cross CurriculumTechnology

Flatland: A Journey into the World of Two Dimensions

Connected 2, 2002, p.28
ContextIn this fictional play, travellers go on a return journey from a three-dimensional world to one of two dimensions.
MathematicsGeometry: The differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes are explored within the context of this play.
Cross CurriculumEnglish

Magic Muffins

Connected 2, 2001, p.3
ContextMrs Minty is making muffins.
MathematicsNumber/Measurement: Problems relating numbers of muffins and the costs of ingredients in decimals, involve the use of the four number operations and a range of strategies.
Cross CurriculumSocial Sciences

Samoan Siapo Patterns

Connected 2, 1999, p.28
ContextInstructions are given for making Samoan siapo patterns.
MathematicsGeometry: Reflection, rotational symmetry and translations can be explored in this task.
Cross CurriculumThe Arts

Connected Statistics, Level 3

Predicting Possibilities

Connected Level 3, 2019: Shifting Views
ContextReal world examples of predicting outcomes.
MathematicsStatistics: Investigating possible outcomes and comparing likelihoods.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Testing the Waters

Connected Level 3, 2017: Mahi Tahi
ContextTesting the health of waterways.
MathematicsStatistics: Interpreting data displays
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Totally Random?

Connected Level 3, 2016: Picture This
ContextDice games.
MathematicsStatistics: Investigating probability and randomness.
Cross CurriculumN/A

Sleep Sleuths

Connected Level 3, 2015
ContextInvestigating the amount of sleep people need to keep healthy.
MathematicsStatistics: Designing an investigation, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and asking more questions.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Counting Kākahi

Connected Level 3, 2014
ContextCollecting and presenting data that show freshwater mussels (kākahi) are nearly disappearing from some NZ waterways.
MathematicsStatistics: Using statistics to inform ecological decisions.
Cross CurriculumScience

You Can Count On It

Connected Level 3, 2013: Food for Thought, p.18
ContextAnalysing multivariate data to predict a sports result.
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: Students, wanting to predict the results of an upcoming sports competition between year 5 and year 6 students, analyse and look for patterns in student data cards.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

The Fish Highway

Connected Level 3, 2013: Food for Thought, p.23
ContextFish populations in Wellington’s storm water system.
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: Fish scientist, Frances, undertakes snapshot surveys of fish populations. Her data inform the New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database./td>
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Why Does It Always Rain on Me?

Connected Level 3, 2012: Watching the weather, p.21
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: Students interpret the rainfall data, bar and line graphs, and are encouraged to look for patterns in Wellington’s weather.
Cross CurriculumScience: Physical World

I Miss My Pet

Connected 2, 2006, p.3
ContextThe death of a pet leads to an investigation into the life expectancy of the pets belonging to students in one classroom.
MathematicsStatistical Investigations: A question posed, decimal data are recorded on a spreadsheet, and displayed on a bar graph. The concepts of distribution and central tendency are explored.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Getting the Green Light

Connected 2, 2001, p.10
ContextPublic planning organizations use statistics to help them make important decisions.
MathematicsStatistical Investigations/Literacy: Students explore the process for conducting an investigation, the sources and types of data. Readers consider who produced any set of data and for what purpose.
Cross CurriculumSocial Sciences

Tomato: Fruit or vegetable?

Connected 2, 2000, p.24
ContextThe characteristics of tomatoes are compared with other fruit and vegetables.
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: Category data are collected and displayed in a chart that informs the conclusion that a tomato is a fruit.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE