Area by direct comparison and use of informal units

New Zealand Curriculum: Level 2

Learning Progression Frameworks: Measurement Sense, Signpost 2 to Signpost 4

Target students 

These activities are intended for students who can compare the lengths of objects by direct comparison, that is, by bringing the objects together. They may be able to use an informal unit of length such as a counter or cube, and count all the units to establish a measure, making statements such as “my book is 12 cubes long.” 

Students should be able to count on or back, or use early part-whole thinking to find the total of two sets (addition) or the result of removing objects from a set (subtraction).

The following diagnostic questions indicate students’ understanding of, and ability to compare the areas of flat spaces, particularly rectangles. Allow access to pencil and paper and to a calculator if needed. (show diagnostic questions)

Teaching activities