GM3-6: Describe the transformations (reflection, rotation, translation, or enlargement) that have mapped one object onto another.

Elaboration on this Achievement Objective

This means students will explore and describe transformations. “Transformation” is a generic term used to describe actions on shapes that result in some form of pattern, usually symmetric. A reflection is the image of a shape as seen through a mirror line either inside or outside the shape, sometimes called a “flip”. A rotation is the image of the shape turned about a point either inside or outside the shape. A translation is the image of a shift of the shape along a line, and an enlargement is the image of the shape made bigger or smaller by some scale factor. At Level Three students should be able to compare the image of a shape with the original and describe the transformation. This can include a sequence of two transformations. For example:


 rotational hearts.

reflection circles.          

 translation big arrows.

A' is the image of A
after a half turn.

B' is the image of B
after a reflection in
the mirror line.

C' is the image of C
after a translation.