Lots of squares


This problem solving activity has a geometry focus.

Achievement Objectives
GM2-7: Predict and communicate the results of translations, reflections, and rotations on plane shapes.
Student Activity

How many squares can you find that have dots from this array as their corners?

An array of 16 dots organised into four rows of four.

Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Describe the properties of a square.
  • Work systematically when problem solving.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (act it out, use equipment, draw a picture).
Description of Mathematics

This problem explores the concept of "squareness". It reinforces the understanding that a square has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles. The students need to recognise that a square is not always  A square.
but may be A square rotated 45 degrees..

Required Resource Materials

The Problem

How many squares can you find that have dots from this array as their corners?

An array of 16 dots organised into four rows of four.

Teaching Sequence

  1. Introduce the problem as a "treasure hunt". How many squares can be made on this board? Let the search begin!
  2. Ask the students, in pairs, to make a square on the Geoboard with a rubber band (or draw one on the dot paper). It can be any size and in any location. Ensure students understand that a square is a flat shape with 4 sides of equal length, and 4 interior angles of equal size. If necessary, differentiate between what a square is and isn't (by drawing or with geoboards).
  3. Share the squares found by the class. Notice whether the squares displayed are different (e.g. by size, location, or amount of rotation).
  4. Pose the problem: How many squares do you think that you can find?
  5. As the students work ask:
    How do you know when something is a square?
    What did you find out during this activity?
    Are you organising your search for the squares? How?
  6. Share answers. If there are different answers look at why this is so. Get the students to share the ways that they organised their search.


Squares in a 5x5 Geoboard or copymaster 5 x 5 dot paper 


20 squares

Size of square (in squares)Number
tilted (one dot enclosed)4
tilted (4 dots enclosed)2

Some students may notice that there is a pattern in the number of the non-tilted squares (1, 22, 32)

Solution to the extension

Image showing all the squares that can be made using the array.

Solution to the Extension

50 squares could be made using a 5x5 Geoboard or copymaster 5 x 5 dot paper. See if you can find all of these using the system shown above.


Printed from https://meaningfulmaths.nt.edu.au/mmws/nz/resource/lots-squares at 8:55pm on the 26th February 2024