Guess How Much I Love You?


This is an activity based on the picture book Guess How Much I Love You?

Achievement Objectives
GM1-1: Order and compare objects or events by length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time by direct comparison and/or counting whole numbers of units.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Students will be able to explain the relationship between superlative and comparative adjectives and linear measurements.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of length with direct comparisons.
Description of Mathematics
  • Some superlative and comparative words can be translated into measurements for comparison (for example, long- longer- longest could be boa constrictors that are 3m, 4m, 5m).
  • Objects can be ordered by comparing their measurements of a common attribute if using a common unit (for example, this car is longer than that one because this one is 4 orange cuisenaire rods long and that one is 3 rods long).
Required Resource Materials
  • A class set of cords or heavy strings/wool or skipping ropes longer than the tallest child.
  • Guess How Much I Love You? by Sam McBratney.
  • Clothes pegs.

Big, Bigger, Biggest
This activity is based on the picture book Guess How Much I Love You?

Author: Sam McBratney
Illustrator: Anita Jeram
Publisher: Walker Books (1994)
ISBN: 0-7445-3224-8

Little Nutbrown Hare discovers love is not an easy thing to measure but he has an attempt by using width, height, and distance to express his feelings. When his “measures” are “topped” by his caregiver, Big Nutbrown Hare, it’s not so much competitive as it is affirming. The book provides the opportunity to explore comparative measures and statements and link the language of measurement to an engaging story.

Lesson Sequence:

  1. Prior to reading, have a brainstorm with your students about some describing words you have put on the board or modeling book.
    What do we know about these words: long, wide, high, tall, far? 
    Ask students to give demonstrations or explain what each word means or a context related to the word. Use this as an assessment opportunity for decide if the concepts are developed enough to move on to the –er or –est suffixes.
  2. Share the book with your students, stopping to stress the key vocabulary and related concepts.
  3. On the second reading, have the children work in pairs with their measuring cords. At each measuring part of the story pause and have them explore the idea of WIDE (p.4), HIGH (p.8 and 16), LONG (p. 13). See if they can find a way to measure arm span and compare who is wider, compare heights and see who is taller, hop and see who can go higher, and lie down and stretch to see who is longer. When making measurements they can use their cord and place a peg to mark the length.
  4. When you get to FAR (p.20), take everyone outside and ask them to run across a wide space (that is “far”) once you get to the far side ask them to run there and back again (that is further). Then come inside and read the last 5 pages.
  5. To follow on from this lesson students can explore the vocabulary and making comparisons related to heavy, deep, loud, hot, long (time), etc. and ordering items based on a measured characteristic (for example, cold, colder, coldest; light, lighter, lightest)

Printed from at 9:05pm on the 26th February 2024